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The Polish Parliament condemns Putin's lies!
"The greatness of a nation cannot be built on falsification of history"

A joint decision of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union from August 1939 that sentenced Poland and other states to death

Published: January 10, 2020


The Polish Parliament “Sejm” condemns the provocative and untrue statements of representatives of the highest authorities of the Russian Federation who try to blame Poland for the outbreak of World War II - reads the resolution adopted by the Sejm regarding the recent statements by the Russian President and other top Russian officials.

The Sejm by acclamation adopted a resolution expressing strong objection to the manipulation of facts and distortion of history by politicians of the Russian Federation in order to discredit Poland and weaken Russian-Polish relations.

Before Christmas, Russian President Vladimir Putin criticized the September 2019 resolution of the European Parliament on the outbreak of World War II. Putin presented his position that the cause of World War II was not the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, but the Munich Pact of 1938. He also talked about Poland's use of the Munich Agreement to claim the Zaolzie region. He argued, inter alia, that the Red Army’s victory parade in September 1939 with the German Army in Brest did not take away anything from Poland, and in this context "the Soviet Union in fact did not receive anything."

The Sejm of the Republic of Poland condemns the provocative and untrue statements of the highest representatives of the Russian Federation that blame Poland for the outbreak of World War II. The greatness of the nation and relations between nations cannot be built on lies and falsification of history. That is why the Sejm of the Republic of Poland is obliged to reiterate that the outbreak of World War II was caused by the two totalitarian powers of the time: Nazi Germany and the Stalinist Soviet Union

- proclaims the Sejm resolution adopted on January 9, 2020 by acclamation.

The Polish Sejm recalls that as a result of the "shameful Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact" signed in Moscow on August 23, 1939, the primary victims of both totalitarianisms were Poland and the countries of Central and Eastern Europe.

The war caused the deaths of tens of millions of people, the creation of Nazi concentration camps and the Holocaust in Europe. It is not disputed that the peoples of the Soviet Union suffered casualties in the fight against the Third Reich, unfortunately their sacrifice did not bring independence and sovereignty to the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, and their inhabitants, neithrer the respect for human rights,

- we read in the resolution.

As noted, Soviet totalitarianism also turned against its own citizens, including Russians.
The Sejm of the Republic of Poland condemns the return to imperial propaganda, which hampers the historical dialogue of the Russian authorities with other nations. The Sejm of the Republic of Poland pays tribute to the victims of Nazi and Soviet totalitarianism and expresses the desire that the history of their martyrdom never be falsified and treated instrumentally - underscores the resolution.

The Sejm of the Republic of Poland calls for reflection on the principles of building international relations, which should be based on mutual respect, partnership and good neighborliness - we read.


Source: PAP, wpolityce.pl