It was beyond my imagination - Lech Kaczynski talks
about Lech Walesa
Lech Wałęsa - when did you become close to him?
In November 1982, after being released from internment. But I met him before, back in 1978, in the Free Trade Unions - he was a "trainee."
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Keeping WWII stolen art
is like being a Nazi!
World War II brought unbearable misery and suffering to Poland and Poles. Poland lost 11,071,000 people of its 38 million nation, as well as 30% of its land, after being betrayed by her allies and neighbors. The material losses cannot be compared to anything known before.
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Disciplinary Chamber
of the Supreme Court
on Reform of Judiciary

Recently, the reform of the judiciary in Poland has been a subject of great interest in the European public discourse. In particular, it concerns the regulation of disciplinary proceedings against persons practicing legal professions. Much focus has been placed on this issue both in the media and among the academia and legal practitioners.
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US accuses Deripaska, responsible for renovation of Tu-154M that crashed in Smolensk, for money laundering.
The US Treasury Ministry justified the sanctioning of Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaski because he assisted Russian President Vladimir Putin in laundering money, according to the British Financial Times. Deripaska is one of Putin's most trusted people. At Deripaska’s facility Avikor in Samara the Polish Tu-154 aircraft went through general overhaul shortly before crashing in Smolensk.
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Are you aware?
Are you aware that it was the English who started modern anti-Semitism in Europe? Are you aware that after killing many of them and stealing their property, the English expelled any surviving Jews from their island? Or that Jews could not legally return to Britain for over three hundred years? Are you aware that the Russians invented the pogroms and the Germans the holocaust?
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Putin's henchmen advise how to make Poland the scapegoat
"The Sunday Times" reports that recently a group of scientists working for the Kremlin met. The goal of the meeting: developing a plan how to make Poland the "main scapegoat" in disputes about the past.
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Did Putin use reflective management in the attack on Poland?
With many pathologies of the Russian ruling class, it shall be acknowledged that whoever governs, Russia is able to preserve and maintain the continuity of goals. The implementation of Moscow's policy is not limited to several projects planned for several years. Rulers of Russia consistently act in accordance with guidelines written 200-300 years ago in the instructions of Peter I or Catherine II.
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Turning Victims into Oppressors
As the term “Nazis” effectively replaced “Germans” in the Holocaust research and education, new perpetrators of the Holocaust have emerged. In today’s public perception Germans are no longer responsible for the Final Solution.
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Protection for Ransom
Jewish restitution claims against Poland for heirless property lost in World War II generate a lot of heated emotions, various interpretations, and a lot of misunderstanding. These bogus claims for heirless property compensation are raised by aggressive groups of the Jewish diaspora, especially from the United States.
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Poles murdered for helping Jews are the most ill-treated group
Poles killed by Germans for helping Jews in WWII are the most harmed group. They are not counted either as the Righteous or as the victims of the Holocaust, says prof. Magdalena Gawin, Deputy Minister of the Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage..
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Polish National Forests
for Jewish Claims
A 2009 secret note of US Ambassador to Poland.
This matter is a bit forgotten, but in the context of the massive Israeli defamation campaign against Poland supported by actions of American media and politicians ("Law 447"), it is worth recalling the secret 2009 note of the US ambassador to Poland disclosed by Wikileaks. According to January 23, 2009 note of US Ambassador V. H. Asche, the Polish authorities wanted to sell national forests and valuable real estate belonging to the State Treasury in order to pay Jewish restitution demands.
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How Germans and Soviets conspired in committing genocide on ethnic Poles

To all the demagogues and creators of the "new history of Europe" who, with the increasing fervor, have been denying the role of the Soviet Union in the extermination of the Polish nation, it is worth recalling the mutual Soviet-German meetings in the years 1939-1941 in the occupied Polish territory.
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In Tribute to Prime Minister Jan Olszewski

In tribute to Jan Olszewski, first Prime Minister of Poland who came to power as a result of the first free elections after the demise of communism. Prime Minister Jan Olszewski passed away in Warsaw on February 7, 2019 at the age of 88. RIP.
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How the Poles are framed as perpetrators of the Jedwabne Crime

The murder of Jews in the village of Jedwabne in 1941 belongs to those issues, which become a trademark of Poland in the world today. Poland is viewed through this prism. This very heinous and massive propaganda against Poland uses arguments that are completely untruthful and baseless. We can show it, we can prove it, we can make fun of those who say such things, but they shrug and say "and what are you going to do to us?"
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German New World Order

Heiko Maas recently met with Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs Jacek Czaputowicz. The two gentlemen talked, exchanged some nice words, posed for nice photos, and at the end Mr. Maas came home and wrote an article about the New World Order. The article is hundredfold more important than the entire visit to our country. The piece that Maas published concerns the German vision of Europe - the vision that could have disastrous consequences for Poland.
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Ancestors of Civic Platform i.e. Platforma Obywatelska by Stanley Naj

After the defeat of Poland in the fall of 1939, the political work of the Communist Party all over the world was directed toward halting all armed efforts and disseminating defeatism in the Allied camp. Eventually, the Allied realized that it became necessary to put an end to this misuse of civic freedoms, and the arrest of Maurice Thorez in France, suspension of the Daily Worker in Great Britain, the arrest of Earl Browder in the United States, followed.
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What it meant to be righteous in German-occupied Poland

In response to anti-Polish bias in Holocaust scholarship, education, and popular culture, a Polish journalist Grzegorz Gorny published a book “Righteous,” in which he explained what it really meant to save Jews in German-occupied Poland.
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Jan Żaryn: The Church in Poland and the Events of March 1968

Analyzing the position of the Polish Bishops' Conference, we should notice the distinction it made between justifiable criticism of the regime for its approach to university students on the one hand and the Catholics' improper interference with disputes taking place within the communist party on the other, observes Prof.
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Hermann Schaper is the real perpetrator of Jedwabne crime.
German historian rebuts J.T. Gross

The SS death commando went in 1941 from town to town, acting according to the same pattern. At the end of June Wizna, July 5 Wąsosz, July 7 Radziłów, July 10 Jedwabne, later in August Łomża, about August 22 Tykocin, September 4 Rutki. Hermann Schaper connects them all.
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Why the Germans became "Nazis"?

Since when did the Germans who committed terrible crimes during World War II began to hide under the enigmatic universal term "Nazis"? The behind the scene development of this clever trick was presented in the weekly "Sieci" in October 2016 by Wojciech Reszczyński. Today this key question "who were the Nazis?" remains valid more than ever. In a leading BBC reporting attacking amendments to the Polish IPN law the world “German” does not appear. It is replaced by the word “Nazis.”
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"Formatting" the Enemy

Formatting - this is the key word in the Russian info warfare according to a book "Disinformation" published in 2013 by the former head of DIE, the Romanian intelligence service, Mikhail Ion Pacepa. He fled to the United States in 1978. The book describes how the Soviet Union, and today the Russian Federation, is leading its most important diversionary activity in the West.
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Poland’s Independence and German Intelligence BND

It was at the turn of 1980s and 1990s, when the Federal Intelligence of Germany (BND) through Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU) financed the development of several political parties in Poland. Some of those parties have since disappeared from the political scene, remembered only by historians.
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Who is trying to “Turn off the government in Poland”?

If a domestic political entity in Poland receives most of its funding from a foreign source, one that is outside of Poland, then such an entity does not legitimately represent the interest of the interest-groups within the country itself.
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Lech vs. Lech: Prof. Cenckiewicz on the roots of attacks on Lech Kaczyński

Cimoszewicz (former communist apparatchik) has one argument typical for people of his background like Lech Wałęsa - he has been cleared in the lustration process. He did not face any indictment for lying in the lustration process.
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Poland’s future in Eurocorps

“Eurocorps is a political symbol, rather than an elite military unit,” says Deputy Defense Minister, Tomasz Szatkowski, in his interview with
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Tusk was able to write off 1.2 billion of Gazprom debt once President Kaczyński was eliminated in the Smolensk crash.
Lech Kaczyński was against writing off Gazprom's debt of 1.2 billion PLN owed by the Russian concern to a Polish company owned by the Polish Treasury. Donald Tusk was in favor of writing off Gazprom debt.
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Germany intentionally distorts history of WWII
German television station ZDF refuses to apologize for using the term "Polish concentration camps," despite having been ordered to do so by the Kracow Court of Appeal, an order confirmed by the German District Court of Mainz. Attorney Lech Obara told IAR Radio that he believes the Polish court judgment will be fully executed.
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What happened before 10.04.10?
Dorota Kania, a journalist with Gazeta Polska, discusses her article on "the Lithuanian operation," dirty games of some diplomats towards late President Lech Kaczynski, and an allegedly predetermined tender for renovation of Tupolev that crashed in Smolensk.
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Shocking details of attempted coup d’état in Montenegro
The prosecutor of Montenegro for organized crime Milivoje Katnic has accused Russia and its intelligence agents of involvement in the conspiracy to kill the Prime Minister of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic on the eve of parliamentary elections in October of 2016.
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Third Republic or Third Phase?
By Aleksander Ścios
When describing the 1980s in Poland, we cannot ignore the role played by the fake opposition in the communist Polish People’s Republic. To define and describe this phenomenon, a new method of historical retrospection and “a new methodology” needs to be applied in place of the superficial assessment of facts.
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Devastating assessment of TVN
Considering a complaint filed by Krystyna Pawlowicz, MP, against the national television broadcaster TVN, dated October 26, 2016, the Polish National Broadcasting Council (“PNBC”) declared part of the allegations to be justified – reads the official statement.
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German journalist tried to attack Chairman Kaczyński.
Jarosław Kaczyński gave an interview for Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. The German interviewer attacked the Polish politician by strongly criticizing Poland’s decision not to accept refugees. He declared that it was “against the Christian values.” The Chairman of Law and Justice Party (PIS) responded: “There are about a billion people in the world, whose hard lives would improve dramatically if they came to Europe or America. However, their arrival would destroy what we should treasure the most: our civilization which is based on Christian values, the most human-friendly of all civilizations in the history of humanity.”
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Post-truth in the Economist
What is the condition of democracy in Poland? If one was to learn it from the report of „The Economist” – it is woeful. The problem is that in the “Economist” report democracy in the Philippines fares better than in Poland – the same Philippines, where on President’s orders death squads kill people on the streets. Just to clarify – no one is being killed on the streets in Poland on government’s order.
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The World Must not Forget Polish Victims of Nazi Germany
This photo shows the 14-year-old Czesława Kwok, who was sent to Auschwitz at the end of 1942. She was one of 10,000 children from Zamojszczyzna murdered by the Nazis Germany as part of Aktion Zamość conducted between 1942 and 1943 in Poland. She was 14 years old when as a result of the selection process made on the inhabitants of the Zamość region, she along with her mother, Catherine, was destined to die in the German concentration camp in Auschwitz. They were transferred to Auschwitz on December 13, 1942, where they were given the numbers 26946 and 26947. Germans killed her by an injection of phenol to the heart on February 18, 1943.
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Communist Archives Declassified
A list of documents from the reserved collection released
Sue Burggraf, CIA liaison officer, was monitored by the Polish communist secret service. Surveillance operation of the American, who among other things, dealt with the case of Colonel Ryszard Kuklińki, was coordinated by the communist colonel Gromosław Czempiński. A few years ago, this former communist security service officer confirmed that he participated in the founding of the Civic Platform Party. Today, the Institute of National Remembrance published the register of documents that in 2016 were excluded from the so-called classified set.
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The Russian-Ukrainian conflict cannot be resolved without the USA
Europe needs America. We shall keep reminding our partners that the resignation from transatlantic collaboration calls to mind bad experiences – Witold Waszczykowski, Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs said in Davos.
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A Lady with an Ermine awakened the Bolsheviks
27 years after the fall of communism, radical left returns to the slogans under which the Bolsheviks decimated the Polish elites in the twentieth century. Perhaps it is time for discussion about justice in Poland?
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A Different View of Poland
Poland has been recently, to use a metaphoric expression, “on the lips” of many Western European and American newspapers.
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European Commission blackmails Poland
The decision of the European Commission to "monitor" the rule of law in Poland represents a policy of pressure and the continuation of the strategy of intimidation and blackmail. It does not have much practical significance, but it has to impress the public opinion in Poland and beyond. It also has to trigger the "re-socialization" of new Polish government.
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Why key information on elections to Constitutional Tribunal is being suppressed?
Although the provisions of the law on Constitutional Court pursuant to which 3 judges were elected by the departing PO-PSL government are valid, the election of those 3 judges is invalid because of the violations of parliamentary procedures pursuant to which the 3 judges were elected. This is why, inter alia, the election of 5 judges by the new Parliament led by Prawo i Sprawiedliwość (PIS) is valid and in full compliance with the law.
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A recent history of murderous haters
As long as the editors of "Gazeta Wyborcza" (GW) and leaders of the Committee for Defense of Democracy (KOD) use the rhetoric of hate, they risk aiding and abetting a crime.
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Secret Police "Zetka" Files to be Declassified.
It is likely that in February 2016 Defense Minister Antoni Macierewicz will declassify top secret files held by the Institute of National Remembrance (IPN), the so-called “Zetka” intelligence files, reports Rzeczpospolita.
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Poland Needs Security and Ballistic Missile Defense, Says Minister Waszczykowski
Russia tests NATO defense systems, identifies their locations, and monitors how capable defense systems of NATO member states are. The question is whether Russia plans to attack, or whether it just enjoys provoking NATO and some of its member states. An answer to this question is critical.
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Polish Public Television is not the voice of the nation.
Polish Public television has not spoken on behalf of the nation. It was appropriated by the previous party and does not intend to walk away from benefiting from this position.
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NATO Expert Center for Counterintelligence (CI) a Parachute Project.
The victory of Law and Justice (PiS) and the political change in Poland came as no surprise to the people connected with post-communist special services. This group has always been very alert and able to protect their own interests. Time and time again, they showed that they knew how to protect themselves in case a new government choses to threaten their empire and seek their accountability for numerous crimes.
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FSB at home in Warsaw
The Polish Ministry of Defense terminated an agreement signed between Poland’s Military Counterintelligence Service (SKW) and the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSB). Also, Minister of Defense Antoni Macierewicz recalled Col. Krzysztof Dusza and Col. Piotr Pytel from the Expert Center for NATO's Counterintelligence Operations. They were both part of the SKW directorate during the time when the agreement with FSB was signed, allowing for impunitive infiltration into Poland’s Military Counterintelligence Service.
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The Way to Independence: The Turkish Way.
Shooting down Russian Su-24 is the most significant event in relations between Russia and NATO since the end of the "cold war." For the first time, one of the members of the Alliance applied measure that is effective and appropriate to the behavior of the aggressor.
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The New Continental Block
A dilemma that confronts Germany’s world-power ambitions can be defined as follows: Germany is too large for Europe, but too small for the world. In order to play an essential role as a world power, they must seek a partner, rich in resources, which would increase their potential. Such a partner is Russia.
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Illegal Surveillance Scandal about to erupt in Poland: How Platforma Obywatelska (abbr. PO - Civic Platform) Spied on Political Opposition and Journalists.
At least several dozen unlawful surveillance operations conducted within the last seven years were aimed at the politicians and experts of the Law and Justice Party (“PIS”), as well as journalists of the opposition press, such as Gazeta Polska, wSieci, Do Rzeczy and Nasz Dziennik. Officers of Polish intelligence and security services who are aware of a wide scale of these operations claim that the Sejm (Parliament) should appoint a special commission to investigate the matter, and to conduct a thorough audit of all illegal activities taken against the opposition journalists and politicians by the government of the Civic Platform (“CP”).
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Does Chairman of the Constitutional Tribunal protect murderers of the Blessed Father Jerzy Popiełuszko?
What did Poland’s Chief Justice of Constitutional Tribunal know about a slew of politically-motivated murders, including that of the Solidarity Priest, Fr. Jerzy Popiełuszko, and what did he do with this knowledge? Colonel Pietruszka revealed who from the MSW (Ministry of Interior) ordered the murder and who actually murdered Piotr Bartoszcze. Pietruszka’s interview was conducted in the presence of Prof. Rzepliński. What did Professor Rzeplinski do with this knowledge?
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What is really happening in Poland today?
Since the “June 1989 Roundtable Negotiations” between the communist government and the leaders of the Solidarity Movement, Poland has been tightly controlled and governed by a shadowy power holding group. It consists of former communist military intelligence officers, their Russian “handlers”, communist prosecutors, and communist judges. Other types of Special Services and some political parties have become the front-end tools of this shadowy center of power.
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Free Expression in Contemporary Poland & How The Media Complex and Political Establishment Collude by Matthew Tyrmand
Everyone perennially pays lip service to the importance of free expression, but it is only in periods of extreme stress on this issue, after Charlie Hebdo, for example, that it comes to the front and is actively defended. By not having more concern for all the subtle, coercive, and undermining acts of censorship that regularly occur, I believe we allow a crony system to fester and become ever more pernicious in the way that it crowds out the free, the uncompromised, the productive, and the competitive in a society.
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Russia attacks ISIS from the sea. The “astonishing” accuracy of Russian missile systems.
The Russian Defense Minister, Sergei Shoygu issued a statement about the completion of a series of attacks on Islamist targets, utilizing missiles fired from military vessels. This has caught some commentators by surprise, seeing as how the missile attacks were conducted by a small fleet located in the Caspian Sea. According to the majority of sources, the fleet should not have targeting abilities of 1500 km and more.
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Upcoming 2015 parliamentary elections may challenge the post-communist prearrangement in Poland.
Upcoming elections can challenge the system of the Third Republic in place for 26 years, with two brief intervals for the rule of Jan Olszewski Government in 1991/1992 and the presidency of Lech Kaczynski. That would be a fundamental change, said Bronislaw Wildstein in an interview about the parliamentary elections of October 25, 2015.
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The Kremlin’s propaganda offensive. Here is the proof!
Although for a long time already nobody seems to have any doubts about the mobilization within the Russian propaganda machine, the problem has become significant enough to be investigated by the international organizations dealing with the media monitoring.
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Is Russia aiming at annexing Belarus while Europe deals with refugees?
Will Belarus share Crimea’s fate? It is a probable scenario considering the latest actions of Vladimir Putin, who, without Alexander Lukashenko’s consent, has signed a decree on building an air base in Belarus.
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Why Nord Stream II is totally ignored by the Polish Government?
As the immigration crisis was unfolding in Europe, an important meeting took place in Vladivostok, Russia, on September 4, 2015, between Gazprom Chairman Aleksey Miller and representatives of German corporations BASF and E.ON, French ENGIE, Austrian OMV and Royal Dutch Shell from Great Britain.
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How the "Solidarity" Trade Union Was Born: Sorting out the truth from lies about August 1980 Strike
“Do we know what caused the outbreak of the strike in the Gdansk Shipyard? Is the truth so hard to bear that it is easier to blindly accept Borusewicz’s version of events that the strike was organized by five people: Bogdan Borusewicz himself, Jerzy Borowczak, Bogdan Felski, Ludwik Prądzyński and Lech Wałęsa?” asked Krzysztof Wyszkowski in his 2012 article Solidarity as Incuriosity.
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Sudden death of billionaire Kulczyk in Vienna is very significant in light of just revealed Kulczyk-Tusk secret tapes, says Macierewicz.
Kulczyk was the richest man in Poland and ranked by the Forbes Magazine as number 430 richest man in the world in 2014. His net worth was estimated at close to $4 billion at the time of his death. His company, founded in 1991 Kulczyk Holding, has operations in over 30 countries, in areas such as finance, telecommunications, energy, media, infrastructure, real estate, and more.
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Poland loses competitiveness
Nearly half of young Polish citizens want to leave their country. The research by the Polish Association of Personnel Management shows that 48 percent of educated young people consider emigration once they graduate.
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The Overthrow of the Jan Olszewski Government Gave a New Lease on Life to the Noe-Communists in Poland
Krzysztof Wyszkowski, an anticommunist activist and leader of the independent Solidarity Trade Union Movement, who was persecuted by the Communist secret police (SB) during the time of the People’s Republic of Poland, speaks to about the overthrow of Jan Olszewski’s government in 1992.
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Polish Americans Choose Andrzej Duda
Andrzej Duda won the second round of the 2015 Polish presidential election in the U.S. The President-Elect received decisively more votes than Bronisław Komorowski across all four Polish Consular Districts in the U.S. The data released by the Polish consulates in the U.S. reveals that Andrzej Duda received 18,583 votes, whereas Komorowski managed to garner support from only 4,392 voters. Out of 22 poling districts, Komorowski found support only in the districts of Washington and San Francisco. The number of votes cast during the first round of elections, also won by the Law and Justice (Prawo i Sprawiedliwosc, abbr. PiS) candidate, was 19,000, whereas the valid votes in the second round totaled 22,975.
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Russian intelligence services activated all of their media, agent-of-influence, and business assets in Poland - reports ABW, the Polish Internal Security Agency.
Maciej Sankowski’s analysis of the ABW (Polish Internal Security Agency) 2014 report, published on Defence24 website, reveals that Russian intelligence has made a wide-scale attempt to consolidate its pro-Russian assets in Poland. Mr. Sankowski says, that unfortunately, the ABW 2014 report has not attracted the media attention it deserves. “There is no doubt that this specific report is the most unambiguous, powerful, and at the same time, the most interesting of all the ABW’s annual reports published thus far,” emphasizes Sankowski
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An independent International Elections Observers' report shows irregularities during 2015 presidential elections in Poland.
An independent report reveals that staff at the polling station mixed up candidates’ ballots, which were then counted as votes for the incumbent candidate Bronisław Komorowski’s. The foregoing is only one of many allegations in the report prepared by a 60-person group of foreign journalists who observed the 2015 Polish presidential elections.
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The Pyramid, WSI, and Mr. President
Bronisław Komorowski’s biography is full of bewildering holes, unknowns, and conundrums, all of which begs the question: Who really is this man, and where did he come from? What we know for sure is that he is now vying for a second term as the President of Poland. As I will explain later, Komorowski’s political career gained momentum after a series of incidents, which should have by all estimates, ended his career in scandal.
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Will Komorowski and his party impose martial law?
Should it be assumed, that the current electoral statements, so reminiscent of the communist empty slogans, such as “Zgoda buduje” (in Polish: peace is constructive), are suggested to Mr. Komorowski by someone? After all, his closest team of advisors is full of post-communists who would be expected to come up with “peace and security” and the threat of marginalization to those who oppose them.
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Polish President mentioned in American intelligence service cables
Recently WikiLeaks published American cables regarding Komorowski’s ties to WSI (Polish KGB). Amongst the correspondences, there is a reference to Janusz Paluch’s shadow banking activities and hedge fund, an affair covered earlier by Gazeta Polska, which surfaced earlier in the report on verification of the WSI.
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Election Time in Poland! Who will Putin vote for?
There is one more good reason for Putin to support the current president. In the coming weeks, he will be able to arrange a series of provocations in order for the Ukrainian conflict to escalate tentions in Poland. In my imagination, I can just picture Komorowski, Kopacz and Polish media alarming against the opposition party PiS (the Law and Justice Party of Late President Lech Kaczynski), a party which undoubtedly would lead us to war with Russia.
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Ukraine just like home for the Russian FSB
For over two decades, the Russian intelligence services felt just at home on the Ukrainian soil. The FSB (the Russian Federal Security Service) went as far as developing its own structure in Russia’s neighbour country. “For authorities in Kiev eliminating such a creation is a task even more important than defending Donbass,” states “Gazeta Polska.”
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Russia's Hybrid War with Poland
Cyberattacks on Polish institutions in 2014 were at all-time high according to the Polish Computer Emergency Response Group (CERT.GOV.PL). Attacks were detected on the stock market, the National Election Bureau, the websites of the president and government administration. More recently, the phenomenon of internet trolling and the so-called deployment of “useful idiots” by Russia have been noted by CERT. These latest activities represents elements of a hybrid warfare.
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Polish Watergate
“If our Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz doesn’t explain her links, the Polish politics will experience a scandal as big as the Watergate,” announced Przemysław Wipler during the press conference in the Polish Parliament called to address the direct involvement of Ewa Kopacz, Kamiński and officials from the Polish Prime Minister Office in the campaign against SKOK - Polish credit union. Mr Wipler, a member of the Polish Parliament, questioned Mrs Kopacz about SKOK, claiming that the information he obtained from one of her former associates, would put the SKOK issue in a new light.
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Poland is a big barrel of the black powder.
The strikes by many different social and professional groups, starting from coal miners, farmworkers to musicians, and also the launching of the presidential campaign by Andrzej Duda (PIS –“Prawo i Sprawiedliwość” opposition party) and Bronisław Komorowski ( PO - “Platforma Obywatelska” ruling party) were the topics that dominated TV program called “Bliżej” (Closer), on February 12, 2015, hosted by Jan Pospieszalski .
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Is the West going to give in to Putin?
”EU is divided with regards to sanctions on Russia, with some members willing to have them softened,” informed Rafał Trzaskowski, Poland’s Secretary for European Affairs, after a meeting of 28 EU member states in Brussels.
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Kremlin's Troll Factory
“They offer an attractive salary, and hire those who do not ask questions.” This is how the Kremlin’s Trolls are hired. A Radio Svoboda journalist managed to locate one of the former employees of the so-called “Ministry of Truth” that carries out this all-out “Cyber War” on behalf of the Kremlin.
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We must take up the fight!
We can continue to ignore “an elephant in the room” or we can boldly face what is rapidly unfolding behind Poland’s eastern border with potential grave consequences for the country and the entire Europe. A few recent articles discussing the matter of Poland’s national security represent just a tip of the iceberg in terms of concerns voiced recently by many experts.
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Poland’s State Forests
and urgent need for the UE Accession Treaty’s renegotiation
Poland’s State Forests and the fate of the country’s agricultural land came into view due to recent late-night attempts to change the Polish Constitution. Hence, those subjects require our full attention since they threaten strategic national interests of Poland. In that context, an effort undertaken by the Polish citizens protesting such policies shall be recognized.
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What’s Hiding in Foreign Bank Accounts, Or How You “Distribute” A Million Dollars
Some of the money appearing on Lejb Fogelman’s Swiss bank account statement came—according to Katowice detectives—from bribes paid by the SairGroup consortium for the privatization of PLL LOT, the Polish Airline. The attorney was interrogated in the capacity of a witness—reports Gazeta Polska.
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Corruption in the Supreme Court
On December 12, 2014, investigative journalists Anita Gargas and Cezary Gmyz in a TV program “Zadanie Specjalne” revealed tapes and texts messages exchanged between the Supreme Court Judge H. Pietrzykowski and Supreme Administrative Court Judge B. Moraczewski negotiating over a case on the docket.
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US and Poland to Expand Cooperation
President of Poland Andrzej Duda met with President of the United Sates Donald Trump on June 24, 2020 at the White House in Washington, U.S. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the expantion of economic and security cooperation based on shared values of liberty and rule of law.
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Kosciuszko Monument
near the White House Devastated by Vandals!
During the May 31, 2020 night riots in Washington, DC, the monument dedicated to the Polish-American hero General Tadeusz Kościuszko was devastated by a mob. None of the vandals even realized who this Polish-American national hero was.
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Benedict XVI Issues Statement Marking 100 Birthday of St John Paul II.
Vatican City, May 15, 2020: The English translation of the full text of Pope emeritus Benedict XVI's letter marking the centenary of the birth of Saint John Paul II was released by the Polish bishops' conference:
100 years ago, on May 18th, Pope John Paul II was born in the small Polish town of Wadowice.
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Wałęsa did not jump the fence!
He was brought to Gdansk Shipyard by military boat!

For the first time Lech Walesa was accused of lying about jumping the fence of Gdansk Shipyard by Anna Walentynowicz, the co-founder of NSZZ "Solidarność" in the Gdansk Shipyard in 1995. Walentynowicz publically accused Lech Wałęsa that in August 1980 he was brought to the striking Gdańsk Shipyard by a military speedboat . Walentynowicz stated that when Wałęsa arrived at the Gdansk Shipyard, the strike was already well underway.
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How many ethnic Poles lost their family members in Auschwitz?

Nearly a quarter of Poles declare that their family members were victims of Auschwitz or other German Nazi concentration camps - this is the opinion of 21 percent of respondents. Including German Nazi prisoner-of-war camps, 27 percent of respondents declare that their family members were victims - according to the CBOS study published on January 24, 2020.
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Polish Parliament condemns Putin's lies!

The Polish Parliament “Sejm” condemns the provocative and untrue statements of the highest representatives of the Russian Federation who try to blame Poland for the outbreak of World War II - reads the resolution adopted by the Sejm regarding the recent statements by the Russian President and other top Russian officials.
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Co-founder of "Gazeta Wyborcza" served as STASI informant, reports Szymowski

Leszek Szymowski who works as an investigative journalist of "Najwyzszy Czas" reported that Aleksander Paszyński, the co-founder of "Agora SA," was an informant of the East German secret security service STASI. "The GDR Cultural Attaché i.e. STASI officer mentioned Paszyński by name," Szymowski wrote.
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The American Polonia Condemns Appalling Action

At the time when the American public is preoccupied with condemning President Trump for demanding personal favors in exchange for military support of Ukraine, and the impeachment hearings are the primary news of the day, two US Congressmen dare to send a letter to Prime Minister of Poland Mateusz Morawiecki demanding tax breaks for their friends who want to invest in copper mining in Poland, openly and brazenly using the military support of Poland as a bargaining chip.
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The terms 'anti-Polonism' and 'polonophobia' must be introduced into public discourse, declares Prof. Zybertowicz
The terms "anti-Polonism" and "polonophobia" need to be introduced into public discourse in many countries - declared in the capital of Germany prof. Andrzej Zybertowicz. The sociologist noted that cases of anti-Polonism "must be stigmatized and combated" as any other racist remarks and hate speech.
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What do we stand for?
Major Policy Speech by PiS Chairman J. Kaczynski
In preparation for October 2019 parliamentary elections in Poland, the governing Law and Justice Party (PiS) launched its campaign with a major policy speech by Chairman Jaroslaw Kaczynski. Looking back at the concluding four years of governance, Chairman Kaczynski observed that the system of values that governs PIS has not changed but the circumstances have changed.
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Poland was discriminated against in obtaining war reparations from Germany
The head of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs Jacek Czaputowicz said that Poland was discriminated against in the process of receiving reparations from Germany for World War II devastation. "Our country has not been treated fairly" - said the Minister.
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Begining with 2011, the month of April - by the decision of the Senate of the Republic of Poland - is dedicated as the month of remembrance of the victims of German Nazi concentration death camp Ravensbrück. This death camp was liberated at the end of April 1945.
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Germany once again infected with rampant Anti-Polonism
The revival of Third Reich style hatred towards Polish people
is in full bloom in
Germany today.
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As early as the 1970s, Germans already falsified history of Poland!
On Twitter Sławomir Sieradzki presented two documents showing how the history of Poland was falsified in East Germany known as GDR. On the basis of one of such documents we can see that to lessen their guilt the Germans as early as the 1970s began to portray the Poles as anti-Semites.
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The Jewish Voice spreads lies and hatred against Polish Catholics
The Jewish newspaper has committed abominable manipulation. "Checking on the Polish guilt in the Holocaust" is the title of an article published in the "The Jewish Voice" newspaper.
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Pompeo's Scandalous Statements in Warsaw!
"His life was a testimony to the steadfastness of the Polish spirit ..." - this is how the US Secretary of State praised the Stalinist criminal Frank Blaichman, who murdered Polish people.
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Donald Tusk rewarded for “confronting his home nation”
The need to return to the Christian roots of Europe and the situation of persecuted Christians in the world were the subject of the II International Congress of the Europa Christi Movement, which took place on October 18, 2018 in the Polish Senate.
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Murder of Gdansk Mayor
and Media Deception
The murder of Gdansk Mayor Pawel Adamowicz at the WOSP charity concert on Jauary 13, 2019 was widely reported by the Western mainstream media as a political murder by a right-wing mentally ill criminal.
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TVN lost the original recording from Hitler’s Birthday reportage
As the prosecutor's letter sent to the Press Freedom Monitoring Center reveals, the TVN broadcasting group is unable to locate the original video recording from the infamous Hitler’s Birthday reportage broadcasted by TVN on January 20, 2018. What's more, the TVN operator who videotaped this event provoked participants to xenophobic behavior.
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TVN controled by Discovery Inc. violates privacy law in reporting on Kaczynski v. Walesa case.
The Chief of the Personal Data Protection Office reported to the National Council of Broadcasting and Television that the TVN media group owned by Discovery Inc. violated privacy law during the broadcast of the court hearing in the legal action taken by Jaroslaw Kaczynski against Lech Wałęsa for defamation in connection with the Smolensk tragedy.
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TVN employees took part in
a political/journalistic provocation
"Political speech is for the lies to sound true, for stupid faces to look respectable, and the wind to have the appearance of solid matter," Orwell mocked. What was the television network TVN doing? The same; the neo-Nazi spectacle from the forest near Wodzisław went into the world as a truth exposed about us, the Poles, while "stupid faces" who participated in this masquerade on behalf of TVN were even awarded the prize for... "reportage."
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A firm response to TVN24 fake news!
As reported by the portal, the Ministry of Justice strongly denies the information appearing in the TVN24 program "Black on White" broadcast on October 1, 2018 on the Registry of Sex Offenders (registry of pedophiles). The Ministry of Justice accuses the TVN station that the material presented contains false information and manipulations.
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The epic story of the Polish anti-communist resistance
After the Yalta agreement in which Roosevelt and Churchill betrayed their Polish ally by delivering the mutilated Poland to Stalin, the Polish people fiercely resisted the incoming Soviet occupation of their country. The story of the Polish resistance to the Soviet rule in post WWII Poland has not been told to the world to this day. But this enormous tragedy that befell the Polish people after the war has a direct impact on the political landscape of present-day Poland.
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Polish Americans Protest against US Congress Representatives who accuse Poland of Anti-Semitism
We are deeply disappointed that despite numerous appeals to you not to harm Polish victims of the Holocaust, you did nothing to prevent the flawed and harmful bill S. 447 on Holocaust era restitution claims from becoming the law. On April 24, 2018, this grossly unjust bill slipped by in the US House of Representatives as non-controversial under highly controversial “suspension of the rules” procedure, by anonymous “voice vote” of about five congress representatives present, i.e. an unprecedented procedural manipulation in violation of basic standards of democracy.
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Open Letter to Mr. Netanyahu
Mr. Netanyahu, take back those hateful and untruthful words that Nazi Germany and Poland are esponsible for the Holocaust of WWII. You are also asking Americans to agree with you. What in the world and who in the world made you thik that way?
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Freedom of Expression and Its Double Standards in German Media
“The shocking killing of dozens and injury of hundreds by Israeli live fire in Gaza must stop now,” wrote Zeid Ra'ad al Hussein, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, after Israeli forces killed more than 60 Palestinian demonstrators and injured over 2,000 on May 14, 2018.
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Protest: Polonia Advisory Council to the Marshal of the Senate of the Republic of Poland
We, the undersigned members of the Polonia Advisory Council to the Marshal of the Polish Senate, express our protest against the assault on the Katyń Memorial Monument in Jersey City.
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Polish American Voters Respond to March 26, 2018 Open Letter of 59 U.S. Senators.
As Polish American voters we write to you to express our grave concern over your open letter to the Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki dated March 26, 2018.
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A message to US Congress from a Polish Catholic Holocaust Survivor
I have a message to the Representatives of the US Congress from my mother, Mrs. Bozenna Urbanowicz Gilbride, a Polish Catholic Holocaust Survivor, “Please vote against the JUST Act of 2017 because this act discriminates against Polish Catholic Holocaust Survivors like me! "
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What did the Russians conceal in the Smolensk investigation?
We have proof that the Russians concealed a flight data recorder with the Smolensk flight parameters which could not be faked and manipulated- said the head of the Smolensk Subcommittee Antoni Macierewicz. He appeared on TV Republika and reported that experts from the Smolensk subcommittee found "one of the most important material evidence of the course of events of the Smolensk disaster."
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Statement from POLISH MEDIA ISSUES Group
Polish Media Issues (PMI), a leading, politically independent, international organization fighting against inaccurate media reports about Poland, is obliged to make the following statement regarding recent media reports about the amendment to the Act of the Institute of National Remembrance, and reports about Poland’s WW2 history. The amendment prohibits falsely attributing culpability for the Holocaust to the Polish Nation.
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An Open Letter concerning unprecedented attacks on Poland and Polish People
Poland and the Polish nation have been pilloried about their complicity in the Holocaust for many years. And for as many years, Poles spread all over the world have been refuting these attacks. Unfortunately, all their efforts to date have led at best only to the publication of protests, which often included a response that a particular journalist has the right to their view of history.
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What is behind a violent reaction of Israel to the Polish IPN law?
On January 26, 2018, the Lower House of the Polish Parliament adopted amendments to the law on IPN - the Commission for Prosecution of Crimes against the Polish Nation. The amendment penalizes the use of the term “Polish concentration camps” and any actions that aim at assigning to Poland responsibility for crimes committed by the German occupying power on the territory of conquered Poland during WWII.
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A man who set on fire the office of Minister Kempa was incited to violence by TVN
We are witnessing a very dangerous wave of terrorist attacks against members of the governing coalition. More and more people radicalized by the anti-government media follow in the footsteps of a terrorist Cyba who shot and killed a representative of the PIS party back in 2010.
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Stop Hate on Poland!
The brutal anti-Polish campaign conducted by the Western media since 2015 deeply offends Polish victims of German fascism and endangers peace and security in Europe and beyond. The cynical portrayal of Poland as an undemocratic regime that promotes racist ideologies is reminiscent of the worst anti-Polish hysteria spread by Goebbels propaganda just before the 1939 German invasion of Poland.
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The Senate adopts an amendment to ban communist statues in Poland
An amendment to the bill on prohibition of propagation of communism has been approved unanimously by the Senate. 79 senators voted in its favor and one abstained from voting.
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Why Poland must reform its judiciary?
Communism did NOT die in Poland in 1990. The communist criminals corrupted selected leaders of the Solidarity Movement by offering them power sharing arrangement. By securing cooperation with the Wałęsa faction of the Solidarity Movement, they effectively controlled Poland until October 2015 elections, thereby ensuring full impunity for their heinous crimes.
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Lech Walesa was "Bolek"
The IPN (Polish Institute of National Remembrance) has closed the investigation into the forgery of confidential “Bolek” files by the SB (Polish communist secret police) officers. The IPN’s prosecutors deemed Lech Wałęsa’s files authentic, and their decision was confirmed by the Institute of Forensic Expertise in Kraków.
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President Donald Trump in Poland
We have the Three Seas, so we can talk about infrastructure. We are in the UN Security Council, so we can talk about international politics. We have US troops in Poland, so we can talk about military cooperation. This is all the result of our actions" - says Krzysztof Szczerski, head of the Cabinet of the President of the Republic of Poland, in his conversation with the wPolityce, in Poland.
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The Visegrad Group is an international brand
The Visegrad Group proved that its reasonable economic policy can stimulate growth, says Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs
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“We are going through a hard time, please don’t make it any harder for us.” Smolensk crash families appeal to protesters.
Representatives of some Smolensk crash victims’ families appealed for moderation to those who demonstrate against the monthly Smolensk commemoration service. “The current time is especially hard for us due to on-going exhumations; please do not make it any harder.”
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“For the first time American gas is competitive.” Świnoujście receives first shipment of American LNG
“Clean Ocean tanker containing the first supply of American liquid gas LNG has reached Świnoujście and received an official greeting,” announced the Maritime Office in Szczecin, Poland.
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Ewa Kopacz testifies on the Smolensk victims’ exhumation scandal
Ewa Kopacz who served as Minister of Health at the time of the Smolensk disaster appeared at the Warsaw Prosecution Office, where she was interrogated as a witness in the investigation into, among others, failure to conduct autopsies on the Smolensk crash victims.
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Who’s to blame in the exhumations scandal?
“Donald Tusk is responsible for the negligence. It is easy to retrieve the statements he made at the time, in which he admitted full responsibility for all the decisions made regarding the Smolensk crash,” Małgorzata Wassermann, daughter of MP Wasserman killed in the Smolensk crash, told the Polish Radio.
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Great economic news from Poland!
Higher income, lower expenditure and considerably lower budget deficit.
As confirmed by the Government’s Information Center (CIR), the Council of Ministers adopted a resolution approving the executive report regarding the fulfilment of 2016 budget.
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Brute symbolic violence was used to humiliate Poland in Smolensk
The bodies of Smolensk victims were desecrated! Shocking findings have emerged from exhumations of Smolensk victims’ bodies conducted in the spring 2017, investigators report. Will new charges follow?
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Radoslaw Sikorski testified in court in the Smolensk Case
Sikorski evades responsibility. The former head of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs testified in the Smolensk crash case.
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Polish Government Wins the Climate Bond Award
The Polish Government received the Climate Bonds Award for issuing the world's first sovereign green bonds. "This is a milestone for this market," a representative of the Climate Bond Initiative (CBI) said in describing the Award.
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Tusk appointed EC President against Poland
Jacek Saryusz-Wolski, a candidate of the Polish Government for the position of President of the European Council, was brutally attacked by the Polish opposition after losing elections to Donald Tusk.
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Poland does not support Tusk for EC says Marshal of the Polish Senate
he Polish Government does not support the candidacy of Donald Tusk for the second term as the President of the European Council. As President of the EC “Donald Tusk repeatedly spoke critically about the Polish government,” said Speaker of the Senate Stanislaw Karczewski.
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There's room for one Donald only
The former prime minister of Poland, Donald Tusk, might not necessarily be re-elected as President of the European Council.
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Szydło-Merkel Talks in Poland
Chancellor Angela Merkel visited Poland, where she met with President A. Duda, Prime Minister B. Szydło and PiS Chairman J. Kaczynski. After Szydło-Merkel meeting on February 7, 2017, Chancellor Merkel admitted that she was aware of negative political impact of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline (on Poland).
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Hate speech of the opposition toward injured Prime Minister knows no limits!
Statements of the members of the opposition regarding an accident involving a government column in which Prime Minister Beaty Szydlo was injured violate all norms of political discourse - said Ryszard Terlecki, PiS MP.
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Prime Minister Szydło Injured in Car Crash
Polish Prime Minister Beata Szydlo was injured in the car accident and was taken to the hospital. The police and prosecutors are securing the traces at the crash scene. According to preliminary findings, the crash was caused by a driver of Fiat Seicento, who did not keep precautions.
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Was it possible to act decently under Jaruzelski regime? Yes!
This statement is the proof of refusal to collaborate with the communist secret service SB signed by Jarosław Kaczyński four days after the 1981 martial law was imposed on Poland by pro-Moscow junta of General Jaruzelski. Currently Jarosław Kaczynski serves as Chairman of the Law and Justice Party that rules in Poland. His twin brother, Lech Kaczynski, in 2005 became the President of Poland but was killed in the unprecedented airplane crash in Smolensk, Russia, on April 10, 2010.
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Lech Walesa was Communist Secret Agent
Comprehensive and consistent analyses, published in a document consisting of 235 pages, leave no doubt that the handwritten declaration of collaboration, as well as receipts for accepting money, were entirely written by Wałęsa, announced prosecutor Andrzej Pozorski during a conference at the Institute of National Remembrance (“IPN”).
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In response to German lies about „Polish camps” IPN publishes a list of SS-men from Auschwitz.
For the first time in history, the personal data of SS-men from the extermination camp are accessible to the public. The Polish Institute of National Remembrance (IPN) in Krakow published the list of staff of the German Auschwitz-Birkenau extermination camp. The database contains approximately 8,500 entries of SS-men.
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Lech Wałęsa collaborated with communists!
The graphologists’ opinion regarding the “Bolek file” issued by Jan Sehn Institute in Kraków, confirms that Wałęsa collaborated with communist security services. This information has been released by the Polish Press Agency, based on the sources from the Institute of National Remembrance (IPN) and the Collegium of IPN. The sources did not specify the timescales of the collaboration.
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Polish Cemetery for Victims of Katyn Execution Order in Bykovnia, Ukraine, vandalized.
The Polish cemetery in Bykovnia near Kiev has been vandalized. Unknown perpetrators painted signs that, among other things, praise SS-Galizien – TVP Info reported.
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The Wawel protests are beyond civil..
“I understand that the media thrive off headlines such as ‘Nation protesting,’ but the protests at Wawel have become wild to the point where it cannot be tolerated,” Elżbieta Jakubiak, the former head of late President Kaczyński’s Bureau
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Some Leaders of European Parliament and journalists were involved in the attempt to overthrow the Polish government.
Sejm Speaker Marek Kuchciński released shocking information about December 16, 2016 attempt to overthrow the government of Prime Minister Szydło by a part of the opposition. He said that the December opposition attacks were coordinated with journalists and Members of the European Parliament (MEP). This information came from Tomasz Poreba, MEP.
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Civic Platform and Modern Party sought “Brotherly Help”
When the occupation of the Parliament took place on December 16, 2016, the Civic Platform’s and Modern Party’s MPs had their joint petition to Brussel’s institutions calling for urgent intervention in Poland prepared in advance and ready to go. Their appeal did not succeed because members of other opposition parties from Kukiz’15 and Polish People’s Party (PSL) refusal to sign the petition.
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Cyberattack interfered with the arrival of US troops to Poland
Hackers crashed the official site of the city of Żagań and over 100 other municipalities in Poland. They posted statements calling for protests against the presence of American troops in Poland. The mayor of Żagań vows that perpetrators will be punished. It is possible that this was an attempt to test the sector responsible for cyber security of Poland.
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American Troops Arrived in Poland
Today, as we greet American troops arriving into Poland, it is worth to revisit the words of great significance spoken by late President Lech Kaczynski at a 2008 rally in Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia, then under siege from Russia - said Minister of Defense Antoni Macierewicz in Zagan at the January 14, 2017 ceremony welcoming US soldiers to Poland.
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Signals of Polish Television and Systems of Polish Press Agency down during Prime Minister Address to the Nation on Parliamentary Crisis.
On December 17, 2016, at the pick of the parliamentary crisis, the Polish State Television TVP reported major problems with signal reception in 13 provinces. Holders of decoders of digital terrestrial television in 13 provinces reported a problem with receiving a signal of TVP in the prime time, during the key address of Prime Minister Szydlo to the Nation.
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European Commission’s Action against Poland is Illegal
Alexander Stępkowski, Undersecretary of State in the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, stated that a decision of the European Commission to impose on Poland procedures for the protection of the rule of law was illegal since "there is no basis in EU law” for such a decision.
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Interview with Poland's Law and Justice Party Chairman, Jaroslaw Kaczynski.
Kaczyński claims that Poland’s political system has been expropriated and almost shattered by a close network of influence.
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"In Defense of Democracy in Europe!"
Democracy is based on debate and freedom of speech together with transparency in public life and equality of citizens before the law. The Polish media including TVP, TVN, Gazeta Wyborcza and mainstream newspapers for the past many years have been very one sided in favor of PO government and against the PiS opposition.
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"You know nothing about freedom of speech!"
A stormy debate took place in Parliament (Sejm) over the Public Media Law. A strong speech was delivered by Joanna Lichocka of the Law and Justice (PiS). In her speech, she pointed out the names of the journalists who had been sacked from the public media during the PO-PSL term in office. “During the time you were in office, I was thrown out of work from the Public Television station, at the time ruled by your party buddies. Lichocka turned towards MP Pomaska of the Civic Platform (PO) party and asked: “Should I read out the names? You have no shame,” Lichocka added.
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Poland Prime Minister Szydlo Responds to Protesters.
“They are organized by those who are no longer in power and who lost their privileges and connections.” - said Poland Prime Minister Szydlo.
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International Conference on Lech Kczynski's foreign policy held in Warsaw, Poland.
An international conference on the legacy of President Lech Kaczynski in Central and Eastern Europe took place at the Presidential Palace under the auspices of President Andrzej Duda. The conference "Sovereignty, solidarity, security. Lech Kaczynski and Central and Eastern Europe” opened with these words by President Duda: “The policies of President Lech Kaczynski were based on the highest values. Their tenets remain important today."
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President Andrzej Duda Apologized for the Third Polish Republic.
President Andrzej Duda: “I apologize for the Third Republic, which called criminals "men of honor". Which buries its oppressors with honors.”
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Prosecutor's Office Compromised!
The Court has found a former WSI officer Aleksander Lichocki as guilty and journalist Wojciech Sumliński as innocent. Piotr Woyciechowski, a former member of the WSI Liquidation Commission stated: “It's a big accusation against the Prosecutor’s Office, which lead this investigation along with ABW agents, operating under the direction of Gen. Bondaryk.
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Sign the Petition to Protect Monte Cassino!
At Monte Cassino, in Italy, where the Polish soldiers fought valiantly and shed their blood during World War II, an unacceptable event is unfolding. The terrain of the battle site of Monte Cassino has been leased by a private, commercial company, for activity that offend the nature of these sacred grounds. At the end of November / early December 2015 a commercial area has been opened on these grounds, with entrance fees, to a “St. Nicholas Village.”
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Vetting of Judges Impeded: Constitutional Tribunal decided in its own case
A ruling made by the Constitutional Tribunal (TK) leaves no illusion; the vetting proceedings of judges (verification regarding their ties with communist secret police) can be blocked in a very simple manner. In April 2015, TK issued a decision in this matter. According to TK, judges as well as prosecutors can be vetted only after their immunity from legal proceedings as judges and prosecutors has been lifted. And who is to decide about such immunity lifting? - Of course, the judges themselves!
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President Andrzej Duda Commemorates victims of April 10, 2010 Smolensk Crash at presidential palace.
The monthly observance of the April 10 Smolensk tragedy began at 8:00 am with Holy Mass and solemn placing of flowers at the cross commemorating the victims of the tragedy.
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Formal Protest issued to CNN and Washington Post for their Untruthful and Misleading Reporting on Poland.
The November 29, 2015 article by Jackson Diehl “Poland’s disturbing tilt to the right” in the Washington Post and Global Public Square Program by Fareed Zakaria in CNN of December 6, 2015 demonstrate biased journalism that violates principles of the Journalism Code of Ethics as well as the core values of the media industry such as journalistic integrity, diversity of viewpoints, and responsible content.
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Fareed Zakaria of CNN, and Radek Sikorski's Friend, Makes Disparaging and Untruthful Comments about Poland on air.
Did Fareed Zakaria's friendship with Radek Sikorski set the tone for CNN's missleading and untruthful program about Poland? Polish journalist Mariusz Pilis writes: "if the latest CNN program proves to have been inspired by Sikorski, then the figure from CNN should lose his job because he is not a journalist."
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Ex-FSB Agent: Russia involved in the London Riots, Paris Attacks, and ISIS.
Russian agents are purported to have been cooperating with the Islamic radicals. He said that the riots in London in 2009, 2010 and 2011 were planned by the FSB and the SVR (Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation). They also knew that terrorist acts in Paris were under preparation. The Experts who on two occasions, with the help of a lie detectors assessed the truthfulness of his statements, said that he was telling the truth.
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Polish files found in Russian archives. “By law, these files should be in Poland,” says Cezary Gmyz.
As reported by Gazeta Wyborcza, German historians have discovered pre-war documentation belonging to the Polish intelligence services (known as "Dwójka", eng. "Two"), and Polish police. For years, Poland has been trying to recover the lost archives.
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What really happened in Smolensk on April 10, 2010? presents a document entitled “What do we know about the Smolensk crash? The preliminary summary of the Smolensk Conferences.” This document presents a coherent opinion of the Smolensk Conferences’ Scientific Committee and demonstrates how the crash really occurred. When examined in whole and in detail, the documentation concludes that the basic rules of physics were violated in the version of the crash presented in the MAK’s and Miller Commission’s reports. It is obvious that Tu-154 was blown-up and did not crush.
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Polish Liquid Gas Terminal Ready for Operation?
The liquid gas terminal in northern Poland (LNG) is meant to decrease the country's energy dependence on Russia. The project is worth some PLN 3.5 billion. Roman Szul of University of Warsaw: "the 2010 Russian – Polish agreement on gas deliveries that are highly advantageous for Russia and to some extent contradictory to EU competition policy in gas industry.”
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Polish President Andrzej Duda: Smolensk Crash Investigation Incomplete, and Must Continue ...
The President Wrote:
"The reports of [The Russian] MAK and [Polish] Miller Commissions are simply hypotheses that fail in confrontation with scientific analysis of the available photographic and video evidence. Therefore, it must be accepted that endeavors to explain the circumstances and causes of the Smolensk crash have not been successful thus far. Therefore, the investigation is not complete.
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“The goal of the new government is to audit and transform state institutions, to assure good governance,” says Prof. Chwedoruk about Beata Szydło’s cabinet.
Antoni Macierewicz, Zbigniew Ziobro, Mariusz Błaszczak are symbols of change. Their presence rewards the Law and Justice party members, as well as the party’s most devoted supporters. Thanks to their loyalty the Law and Justice survived and swiftly won this year’s elections,” said prof. Rafał Chwedoruk.
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Remains of the Augustów Roundup Massacre Victims Found.
The research into the Augustów Massacre, in particular the search for the graves of the victims of communist crimes, was a priority task for the Institute of National Remembrance, which conducted its investigation on a wide scale. confirms that the Institute, after years of efforts, has finally been successful. The place of burial of the Poles murdered by the Soviet NKVD has been found. “The IPN was supported by foresters and people who conducted their own searches,” said a person involved in the investigation.
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Our aim to govern is not motivated by a revenge or to get even […] The time of integrity is about to begin in Poland - said Jarosław Kaczyński during his speech in Warsaw.
During the pre-electoral event in Warsaw’s district of Targówek Jarosław Kaczyński spoke to the local electorate. Below is the full content of his speech:
"Ladies and gentlemen, moments earlier, you have just been presented with a list of the Law and Justice candidates to the Sejm and Senate. We can say that these candidates constitute a very strong team indeed ...
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Russia invented a fog generator to hide missiles and rocket launchers from satellites
Russian scientists from the Military Academy of Strategic Rocket Forces in Serpukhov, situated 100 km south of Moscow, have constructed an aerosol generator capable of producing artificial fog that will camouflage mobile rocket launchers, informed Russian TV Dozhd (eng. "Rain").
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Appeal to Vote in 2015 Parliamentary Elections in Poland
In the United States, the Polish parliamentary elections are scheduled to take place on Saturday, October 24, 2015, in 31 locations across the United States. Please register to vote as soon as possible. Registrations should be made on line at or by calling the Embassy or the closest Consulate of the Republic of Poland.
Please vote in the upcoming elections to Sejm and Senate!
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NATO Counterintelligence Center in Poland „a clear signal to Russia that its espionage activities will not be tolerated.”
NATO is in the process of creating a counterintelligence (CI) and counterterrorism (CT) center of excellence in Kraków,” announced a German weekly Welt am Sonntag. The center will open this year. The decision to form the Center has been made following tensions between the Western military alliance and the Russian Federation. “Between 40 and 70 of military officers will station at this center, which has been given a working name “Counter Intelligence Center of Excellence,” adds WamS. The unit will be located in southern suburbs of Kraków.
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The history proved us right, said Joanna and Andrzej Gwiazda in their new book
A book entitled Years later, the history proved them right in a form of an interview by Remigiusz Okraska and Agnieszka Niewińska with the two leading Solidarity activists is an engrossing and very personal story of Joanna and Andrzej Gwiazda, the organizers of the August 1980 Solidarity strike in the Gdansk Shipyard and the co-founders of the Solidarity Movement in Poland.
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Dr. Maciej Lasek's Smolensk Crash Propaganda Team Out of Business
The Government Center of Legislation (RCL) has published in the Polish Monitor an Executive Order issued by Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz to close Maciej Lasek’s team charged with the responsibility of explaining to the Polish public the cause of the Smolensk crash as presented in the Miller report. The Executive Order to close down the Lasek Team entered into force upon publication. Thus, the Lasek propaganda team was closed down, without any prior announcement, on the day of the publication of the Executive Order.
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Russia Provokes Poland
Commentators Piotr Semka and Wiesław Dębski agreed on Radio Trójka that the Russian Ambassador’s recent statement that Poland was responsible for the outbreak of WWII was Kremlin’s provocation in a bid to further its plan to weaken Poland’s position on the international scene.
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Polish President Andrzej Duda Addressed the United Nations Assembly.
ANDRZEJ DUDA, President of Poland, addressed the United Nations on September 27, 2015. While recalling Nazi Germany’s invasion against his country in September 1939, President Duda said Poles knew fully well not to take peace for granted. Stressing the importance of respect for international law, he said it was Rafal Lemkin, a great Pole of Jewish descent, an eminent lawyer and university lecturer nominated to the Nobel Peace Prize, who had invented and applied in professional literature the term “genocide”, having lost almost his whole family in the German annihilation camps.
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Russia manipulates the past - Says Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Russia protests after a statue of Gen. Ivan Chernyakhovsky, a Soviet executioner of the Home Army, has been taken down in a Polish town of Pieniężno. “We view the persistent omission of this undeniable fact by the Russian side as a chronic case of historical amnesia and a sign of utter cynicism… Hiding the truth about the Second World War (…) is an attempt at grossly manipulating the past,” stated the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MSZ).
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Putin wants Russian military base in Belarus
Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered his Ministry of Defense and Ministry of Foreign Affairs to negotiate and sign an agreement with Belarus on the establishment on its territory an air force base for the Russian Air Force.
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Russia supports separatist movements
Sinn Fein", "Uhuru Movement" and various political separatist movements around the world took part in the Russian government-funded conference in Moscow. All at the expense of the Kremlin. The meeting entitled "Dialogue of Nations: the right to self-determination and the construction of a multipolar world" was held on September 20, 2015. The conference was attended by representatives of the pro-Russian separatist groups from Donetsk in eastern Ukraine, where the Ukrainian clashes between government forces and terrorist groups continue since April 2014, resulting in killing more than 6,500 people thus far.
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U.S. deploys superior F-22 Raptor fighters to Europe
“The U.S. will deploy the new F-22 Raptor fighter aircrafts to Europe, in order to show support for Eastern European allies, who fear Russian aggression,” informed the United States Air Forces.
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Polish National Alliance - 2015 Electoral Convention in Cleveland, Ohio.
The Polish National Alliance (PNA) Convention took place between 23 and 26 August in Cleveland, Ohio. The PNA, one of the oldest and largest ethnic fraternal insurance benefit societies in the U.S., with 160 thousands members in 37 states, elects its president and executive board at this convention.
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The statue of late Anna Walentynowicz unveiled. "She is a role model for us all," says President Duda.
Hundreds of people, including former government officials, members of Gazeta Polska clubs, leading Solidarity activists, Gdańsk citizens, and the family of late Anna Walentynowicz killed in the tragic Smolensk crash, gathered to celebrate the unveiling of her statue in Wrzeszcze, Gdańsk.
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Presidential Inauguration of Andrzej DUDA and Donald Tusk's Manipulations
Associates of Donald Tusk argue that Tusk should receive a separate invitation directly from President Elect Duda to him as President of the European Council. The Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs disagrees.
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Address by the President of the Republic of Poland Mr Andrzej Duda before the National Assembly
I would like to thank the President who is no longer with us today. I wish to thank President Professor Lech Kaczyński. You may recall that in my inauguration speech during the first convention opening the election campaign, I said that my upbringing, my university studies, and my doctoral studies, they had all led me to meet him.
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Jerzy Buzek, codename “Karol”
Codename “Karol” was the highest-placed secret collaborator of the Polish secret police, the communist repression apparatus, who for years operated in the leadership of the Solidarność movement.
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"Now is the time to fulfill promise regarding Europe," says Lavrov to Obama
Authorities in Moscow expect the U.S. to stop deploying elements of the anti-missile defense system in Europe. This information came from Sergey Lavrov, the Foreign Minister of Russia.
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Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung acknowledged that Kaczyński was right
The identity of the fourth participant during the feast at „Sowa’s,” who was recorded together with Aleksander Kwaśniewski, Ryszard Kalisz and a businessman Włodzimierz Wapiński, has been established.
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Polish Tape-Gate: Identity of another participant revealed
The identity of the fourth participant during the feast at „Sowa’s,” who was recorded together with Aleksander Kwaśniewski, Ryszard Kalisz and a businessman Włodzimierz Wapiński, has been established.
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New tapes: “The head of government [Donald Tusk] is a vindictive redhead.”
“Remember Ryszard that the head of this government is... extremely vindictive. A vindictive redhead,” that was what Aleksander Kwaśniewski told Ryszard Kalisz during their conversation in 2013, at Sowa&Przyjaciele restaurant. The transcript of this conversation has been published by Do Rzeczy weekly.
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Did Russian Intelligence Set the Lazienkowski Bridge in Warsaw Ablaze?
The investigators for the ABC weekly claim that the Russian intelligence services actively run secret operations across Poland, including sabotage! The shocking allegations published in the latest issue of ABC weekly refer to the Warsaw’s Łazienkowski bridge fire and the Russian hackers’ attempts to break into the Polish government computer systems, including the ones most crucial to Poland’s security.
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Polish Army Veterans Association of America and Ladies Auxiliary Corps Resolution
As members of the oldest Polish veteran organization in the world, which does not favor of any particular political party in Poland, we express our concern about the situation of Poland today, both internally and externally, which threatens its independence ...
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Putin flexes his military muscles before the Moscow Victory Day Parade
Russians are rehearsing before the Moscow Victory Day Parade, scheduled for May 9th. Over 200 tanks and armored personnel carriers have passed through the downtown Moscow. “The transit route was surrounded by a crowd of spectators,” informed Polish RMF FM radio.
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"Solidarity" Trade Union Endorses Andrzej Duda for president.
The National Commission of the Solidarity Trade Union has officially announced its support for Andrzej Duda, the PiS’s (Law and Justice opposition party) presidential candidate. Lowering the retirement age, elimination of the so-called “rubbish employment contracts” and raising the minimum wage are some of the policies specified in the “manifesto agreement” signed between the Solidarity Trade Union National President and presidential candidate Andrzej Duda.
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Two Polish movies banned in Russia
“Miasto 44” and “Róża” are the two Polish films on the official list of films banned in Russia. The ban on their distribution has been announced by a Russian portal, Both Polish films are in the first 10 on the list of banned films, together with masterpieces such as “A Woman in Berlin”, or “Haytarma.”
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I was a communist, says Polish president's key advisor Tomasz Nalecz.
Professor Tomasz Nałęcz, President Bronisław Komorowki’s full time advisor, makes pretty clear what tactic is being used by the president’s campaign team in this year’s presidential election. The fight for the left-wing voters is between Komorowski and a struggling Magdalena Ogórek.
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Donbass becomes a military testing ground for Russia.
According to the information from, Russians are testing their new artillery in Donbass area, including Pancyr-S missiles system, T-72B3 tanks and BTR-82 armoured personnel carriers.
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Is the helicopter deal with France a returned favour for French support of Donald Tusk?
Tomasz Siemoniak, Chief of the Polish Ministry of Defence has defended the Ministry’s decision whereby the Polish Army will purchase French helicopters, instead of those produced by Poland in Mielec and Świdnik.
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Russia's new diplomatic war with Poland.
- Poland does not recognize the ruling issued by the Russian arbitration court - Polish Foreign Ministry stated. Today, the Arbitration Court of St. Petersburg issued an "executive letter" evicting employees of the Polish consulate from their offices.
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Germany sales oil and gas production company to Russia
The German RWE AG (Rheinisch-Westfälisches Elektrizitätswerk) Group, has made it public today, that for 5.1 billion Euros, it has concluded the sale of the Dea company, active in researching and mining gas and crude oil - "The Moscow Times" daily reports.
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The European Parliament urges Russia to immediately return the Tupolev wreckage to Poland
The European Parliament has adopted a resolution urging Russia to return the wreckage of the Tu-154M, which crashed on April 10, 2010 at Smolensk Airport, killing the Polish president. The provision was made at the request of the Polish Law and Justice (PiS) party members.
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Moscow wants the entire security system in Europe destabilized.
"Russia’s definite rejection of the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe proves that Russia’s aim is to destabilise the essential order in the entire Europe", says the expert, Michał Baranowski, Director at the Warsaw branch of the think tank German Marshall Fund.
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Russia Withdraws from the Treaty
on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE)
“Russia has made a decision to end its participation in the consultation group of the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE),” informed the Russian Foreign Ministry.
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Germany sales petroleum consortium to Russia.
The German business consortium RWE has just released a memo announcing the sale of Dea Group exploring and mining natural gas and oil reserves for 5.1 billion Euros, reports The Moscow Times.
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Indictment Issued for Attempt to Poison Anna Walentynowicz
The Institute of National Remembrance (IPN) sent to the court indictment in a case concerning communist crimes and crimes against humanity, committed against Anna Walentynowicz. The documents alleged an attempt to poison the legendary opposition leader (Founding Mother of the Solidarity Movement).
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Nemtsov’s murder witness disappears
A key witness to Boris Nemtsov’s murder, Sergey B., was about to or already left his job. The key Smolensk witness, Colonel Nikolay Krasnokutsky left his employment in a similar manner several days after the crash,” comments Andrey Illarionov, the former advisor to Vladimir Putin, on his blog.
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Russia Aims Iskander missiles at Poland
Today Poland is treated by Russia as an enemy and is depicted as such by the Russian propaganda as well as by actions and comments of Russian politicians. Poland is the target of Iskander missiles located in the Kaliningrad Oblast
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Germans and Russians will jointly build military equipment
The European Commission has approved the creation of a joint venture by Daimler AG, a German automotive company and Kamaz OJSC, a Russian truck manufacturer. EU portal is astonished by the decision, since Kamaz is also a producer of armoured vehicles, some of which form a part of equipment used in the Ukrainian crisis.
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The Russian army will not settle for Ukraine and Poland only
Antoni Macierewicz of the Law and Justice Party delivered an important speech on peace and security in Central Europe at an American university.
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Military Mobilization Could Be Necessary
Poland should order military mobilisation as soon as the Ukrainian crisis spreads beyond the Dnieper River - former Polish Minister of Defence said.
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Call for action: Polonia reads
According to the 2015 survey by Bibioteka Narodowa, only 41 percent of the people in Poland read at least one book in 2014. As much as 19 million people did not have any book in their hands while 10 million does not have a single book at their home.
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Germany takes over local media market in Poland
By reading Polish news articles in print and online with no critical eye, you are thinking the way that Germans want you to think. This is because 80% of Polish-language media is German-owned.
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The number of invalid votes keeps growing!
There are already more than 5 million invalid votes in the 2014 regional elections. Interestingly, this number continues to grow even though the election was held more than two months ago!
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Polish Mining Industry in Crisis
The government's plan for the "healing" of the situation in the Polish mining sparked a wave of indignation in the mining community and sparked discussion in Poland on subsidies for Polish mines.
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Joanna and Andrzej Gwiazda on Walesa: History proved us right!
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Transformation from Communism to Communists
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British MP D. Kawczynski has no reason to apologize!
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ONLY IN POLAND during the Second World War ...
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Selling the truth for politics and money
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Report of Wojciech Mazur, Solidarity Movement Member from Gdansk
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Anti-Polonism is Racism
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The War for Concerned Awareness and Honor- by Piotr Witakowski
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French President Emmanuel Macron –
a refined model of "bourgeois terrible"
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Two historical truths still exist about dramatic events from the beginning of WWII
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Yad Vashem: Jews from the NKVD are protected
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I am a Post-Smolensk Child
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IZAAKA STOLZMAN a/k/a Zdzisław KWAŚNIEWSKI was a NKVD criminal who harmed tortured and observed screams of the victim.
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I am a Post-Smolensk Child
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Legal Objections to US Public Law 115-171 (former S. 447)
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“Katyń” also took place in Western Poland.
In 1943 the Germans discovered Katyn mass graves. That is when they realized that years after the murder, the victims and the method of their extermination can be identified based on these buttons, medallions, letters, coats, straps, etc. That is why they did not repeat the Soviet mistake - says movie director Anna Piasek-Bosacka..
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What if Nuremberg trials never happened?
It is only now - under the government of the Law and Justice Party - that true democracy and pluralism are being finally restored in Poland after 80 years of domination and communist control of Poland.
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TVN Diversionary Operations on Smolensk
Watching TVN24 is obviously masochism. I must admit that from time to time I check what is the "truth of the day" for the current 24 hour news cycle there. I discover lies every time. On December 1, 2018, experiencing tortures (as I am not a masochist), I survived the program showing the last flight of Tu-154M. Escape forward? Before announcing soon of the final report of the "Macierewicz's Commission"?
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What if Smolensk was a British tragedy?
Imagine that during World War II, the Russians secretly murdered several dozens of thousands of your officers, prisoners-of-war. They hid it, lied about it, did not admit the guilt, persecuted those who demanded the truth, and blamed the Germans for this crime. Years later, the truth comes to light, and the Queen along with the entire General Staff, the head of the Bank of England, heads of the most important state institutions and Archbishop of Canterbury, all fly on the 70th anniversary of this crime to Russia to commemorate the murder of the British officers, POWs.
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Enlightened hate Reactionaries and are working on another revolution.
A novelist X creates a doll representing PiS Member of Parliament. She sticks the needle in the doll – believing that this will cause pain to the person? A novelist Y states that the ruling party reduced the brains of the Polish people, though not much brain remains in those Slavic skulls… Writer Z moves from words to actions and tries to beat up this "PIS rabble," of course portraying herself as a victim. This is just the last segment of the alphabet of intellectual quasi celebrities, who feed themselves – and their popularity – on a hatred towards others, "foreigners."
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Book Review - Holocaust and Halakhah (the Library of Jewish law and ethics)
This work is centered on the Kovno ghetto in German-occupied Lithuania. The persecuted Jews had especially sought the advice of the highly regarded and scholarly Rabbi Ephraim Oshry (1914-2003). Rabbi Oshry ended up being one of the few leading Eastern-European rabbis who survived the German-made Holocaust.
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Poles saved thousands of Jews by issuing false passports. Here's how Netanyahu "thanked" them!
The circumstances of the noble behavior of the Polish officials abroad, which saved thousands of Jews in World War II through its diplomatic office in Switzerland, have recently come to light. The matter became loud - the largest media wrote about it. But Benjamin Netanyahu disposed of this matter with silence, even though he had a great opportunity to thank Poland. Instead nice words of thanks came towards Paraguay.
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The Polish justice system fails in lustration
Today, May 30, 2018, the Polish court dismissed the lustration proceedings in the case of Leszek Moczulski, after he withdrew his application for autolustration. Moczulski was absent from court, he was in the hospital waiting for the next operation.
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Israel opposes historical research on its crimes
The head of the Israeli state archives, retiring Yaakov Lazovik, revealed in the center-left "Ha'aretz" that the Jewish state deliberately prevents historical research on the dark pages of its history by blocking access to archives. "It is unworthy of a democratic state," said Lazovik
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Political considerations of H.R. 1226 and S. 447 with respect to Poland submitted by the Polish American constituency
On December 12, 2017, US Senate passed the Justice for Uncompensated Survivors Today Act of 2017, S. 447. A related House Bill H.R.1226 was introduced in the US House of Representatives on February 27, 2017 and is now before the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives.
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Impunity of Former President of Poland
His name was Romuald Szeremietiew. He was a Deputy Defense Minister and close friend of former President of Poland Bronisław Komorowski.
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Russian media offensive
In “The End of the System” shown on TV Republika, Dorota Kania discussed Russian intelligence operations, Kremlin propaganda in Poland, and the role of the media that are part in this offensive.
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Tusk strikes to do as much harm to Poland as possible.
Tusk’s interventions into Polish matters are far from coincidental. His strikes are carefully thought through, to do as much harm as possible and cause serious trouble for the government.
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Freedom of Speech the German Way
German Axel Springer publishing house demonstrated its attitude towards freedom of speech by firing a popular reporter of daily Die Welt who was dismissed after he dared to question the policy of accepting an unlimited number of refugees.
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How Germany and Russia with Tusk acquiescence blocked Polish seaports in Szczecin & Świnoujście
It is not commonly known that Germany and Russia strategically placed the first two Nord Stream pipes on the bed of the Baltic Sea in such a way that ships with draft of more than 13.5 meters, such as deep-sea container ships, would not be able to enter Polish seaports in Świnoujście and Szczecin.
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Finally green light for NATO Counterintelligence Center in Poland
As reported by, the Expert Center for Counterintelligence in Poland has been accredited by NATO. The Center’s will deliver programs to improve NATO counterintelligence, such as recognition and definition of new events and threats, and delivery of new training methods to deal with rare security threats.
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From graphologists to scribblers
I have to cite Zagłoba’s words: “Well, gentlemen, prophesies are on my side!” Clearly, Maria Kiszczak (wife of a deceased communist dictator) must have followed her husband’s advice, who – in his final hours – must have told her: “Maria, when I’m gone, you will no longer be protected, thus you need to dispose of this compromising evidence if you don’t want to end up like the Jaroszewicz couple. Remember that only disposing of it in the public eye will allow you to live in peace for the rest of your life.”
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Chief of the of Prime Minister Chancellery comments on the play "The Curse"
The head of the Prime Minister Chancellery Beata Kempa assessed that nothing shall justify incitement to violence.
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WSI was the most powerful criminal group in Poland
“The Military Information Services (WSI) was the most powerful mafia in Poland. We, gangsters from Pruszków, needed its protection,” claims the key witness Jarosław Sokołowski, aka Masa, in his interview for Gazeta Polska.
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Operation „Smolensk”
The key to the Smolensk tragedy lies in Poland, and this is difficult to everybody. Clearly it was a coup, but what kind of a coup?
What’s important here is the definition of a coup.
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We are not alone when it come to the rebellion of the losing elites. What the US is experiencing right now is almost identical to the scenario that unfolded in Poland after the 2015 elections. As the United States is the world power, the scale of this phenomenon is larger.
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Guns fired by the Left against Trump use the same bullets as against Kaczyński
The presidential campaign is now over in the USA but it is still worth observing the events in Washington. First, because it is obviously very important for the future of Poland, as our security to a considerable degree depends on American foreign policy. Another reason is cognitive in nature – we can observe what kind of methods are used by the rejected elites and their media to fight against the new administration.
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Polish Museum in Rapperswil, Switzerland, saved for now!
Diplomatic pressure has been successful! One of the oldest Polish museums abroad, in Swiss Rapperswil, will remain for now in its historic location where it is currently housed.
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They keep lying about extermination camps!
We just protested against the scandalous statements appearing in German press. We just reported that even in some of German state museums the expression „Polish extermination camps” is used. Unfortunately today, German-speaking media are at it again, smearing Poland and the Polish people again.
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Will Russia take over Belarus and threaten Poland?
Military expert Aleksey Arestowicz wrote on his Facebook profile: „When everyone calmly awaited some sort of dirty trick on the part of Kremlin in one of the Baltic States or in Odessa, Putin found an easy and elegant solution – seizure of Belarus”! It is going to happen during the military maneuvers „West (Zapad) – 2017” in Belarus, that will commence in the summer of this year.
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The European Center of Solidarity supports Wałęsa and falsifies history - says Andrzej Gwiazda
Joining the Councinl of European Center of Solidarity (“ECS”) legitimizes this institution. Thus, it might be more harmful to jon now than to wait one more year, until Adamowicz stops being the President of the City of Gdańsk. I have to add that Lech Wałęsa’s foundation is a part of ECS. This proves that the founding act of ECS should be changed, said Andrzej Gwiazda, the legendary Solidarity opposition activist.
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The Counterbalance to Brussels is developing in Central Europe,” said Jarosław Kaczyński
There is a serious indication that a significant counterbalance to Brussels is developing in Central-Eastern Europe - said Chairman of the governing Law and Justice (PIS) party, Jarosław Kaczyński, in his interview with the Hungarian weekly Heti Valasz.
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A Crime Against Poland Has Been Committed
“There is a strong probability that the Code of Conduct for MPs has been violated on numerous occasions during the Sejm sessions, and crimes against the Polish State and its government institutions have been committed,” states a legal opinion issued by the Sejm Analysis Bureau regarding the MPs conduct during the Sejm’s 33rd session on December 16, 2016, and thereafter.
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Coup d’etat in Poland
The propaganda of an alleged coup d’état by a democratically elected PIS government revealed two truths: The first truth is that the PO-PSL coalition that lost elections de facto served as an occupation government in "a theoretical State," primarily satisfying the interests of Berlin and Brussels. The second truth is that it was the PO-PSL coalition that attempted the coup d’état on the PIS government.
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Poland must be able to defend itself
The Minister of Defense Antoni Macierewicz announced that the priority of his office is the July 2016 NATO summit in Warsaw, which will decide the question of the possibility of establishing military bases in Poland and the permanent presence of NATO troops in the country. The summit in Warsaw will decide whether Poland is a normal, equal member of NATO, whether the same rules apply to Poland that already apply to Germany, France, Belgium, the Netherlands and other countries, or whether we are treated as a second-class country.
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Thinking of my homeland
We are witnessing a total denial of the results of the latest parliamentary elections by the prior ruling coalition of PO (Civic Platform), PSL (Polish Peasants’ Party) and post- communists, who, having ruled for the last 8 years, cannot accept that the Poles no longer want their rule, the rule filled with numerous scandals, corruption, arrogance, and damaging actions for Poland and the Poles, our tradition, culture and economy.
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“It is incomprehensible that Polish people’s status in Germany is still regulated by Nazi Germany’s rules,” says Minister Dziedziczak
“As any state, we want to look after our interests and present our own position. Certain countries might wish for the comeback of Polish politicians who used to nod in agreement and acquiesce to their orders. However, Poland’s new government puts a stop to the era of acquiescence of Poland,” said Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs Jan Dziedziczak.
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Where are we going?
Poles elected a Jew as the President, Aleksander Kwasniewski, and another as the Foreign minister, Bronislaw Geremek. Yet, the journalist Zacharia of CNN says Poland is anti-Semitic. Antoni Macierewicz, current Polish Minister of National Defense, is dedicated to strengthening the Polish Armed Forces, and for forty five years has been a declared and proven friend and ally of the United States. Again, the journalist, Fareed Zacharia of CNN says Poland is not a trustworthy ally in NATO.
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Under the FSB's Banner
Classified documents, seals, signed in blanco receipts and settlements of payment accounts of a top secret operational fund were all found in several safe deposit boxes under the control of the now-ousted heads of the NATO Expert Counterintelligence Center (CEK NATO), by a commission established to control the documentation at the Center. In addition, orders recalling Col. Piotr Pytel and Col. Krzysztof Dusza from their posts were also found there. This means that both individuals were fully aware of what was going on and by refusing to obey their superiors’ orders, committed a serious offense.
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In Defense of Corruption in Poland.
Some Polish media, the so-called "moral authorities on duty", and opposition politicians proclaim every day that democracy in Poland is threatened. What kind of threat do they worry about?
As you can see, we are dealing with a raging propaganda campaign on a massive scale, which is aimed at blocking any changes in Poland. Under the guise of defense of democracy, in fact the war in defense of corruption is being waged. Because what is proposed by PIS represents a great threat to powerful entrenched interests.
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Once a communist-era Urban cohort, now a defender of "free speech" in Poland.
A popular journalist in communist-era Poland is sounding the alarm that the new PiS government is destroying public media, and a "witch-hunt" has begun in Polish Public Television, TVP. It is the irony of history that the complaining journalist himself was on the Stefan Kisielewski list of regime journalists during the communist era. Also, his name was one of the 64 names of secret collaborators (read: sniches) and officers of the communist-era Military Intelligence Services (WSI).
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Who Defends Polish Democracy with German Money?
A reporter attacking PiS (Polish Law and Justice Party) in a German weekly, or an institution praising Muslim immigrants to the Polish public, or the largest commercial Polish radio station, or a foundation organizing an anti-PiS rally of reading the constitution with the Constitutional Tribunal judges, or a former PO (Civic Platform) Minister of Defense. What do they all have in common? Funding from Berlin.
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The "Vampire" from Gazeta Wyborcza
The Gazeta Wyborcza has been and still remains the main point of reference on today’s Poland. While it remains an influential newspaper indeed, it is also a killer of free discussion in our country. It has been destroying, and still destroys, decent people. It has been promoting, and still promotes, skewed vision of history that is detrimental to Poland’s image and reputation in the world.
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A Glorious Revolution in Poland
The Glorious Revolution, also called the Revolution of 1688, refers to the peaceful overthrow of King James II of England, by a union of English Parliamentarians with the Dutch stadtholder William of Orange. This was a bloodless revolution in the United Kingdom then, and had sweeping impacts on that country and the era. So it shall be for Poland and Eastern Europe in my view.
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Goodbye Antifa! Finally, A Peaceful Celebration of the Polish Independence Day
Without exception, all Polish Independence Day marches have been peaceful and dignified. I still recall the endless crowd, consisting of elderly people, teenagers, as well as children, walking through Aleje Ujazdowskie in dignified silence, carrying the white-red flags and patriotic banners back in 2012. Those people were not aware that on a parallel street, a media circus was taking place, which involved using batons, pepper sprays and water cannons.
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Lech Wałęsa transported to the Shipyard by a motorboat that belonged to the communist regime authorities? ABW has the recording.
The ABW (Polish Internal Security Agency) is in possession of a recorded conversation between the officers of WSI (Polish communist Military Information Services) who talk about Lech Wałęsa being transported to the Gdańsk Shipyard on the day of the August 1980 strike.
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Sejm Chancellery crushes Newsweek attack on President Duda.
“I hope that the President will justify his expenses,” Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska, Marshal of the Sejm, said after Newsweek suggested that Andrzej Duda fraudulently used public money for private business.
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Eastern-Central Europe Pivotal to International Security - 76th Anniversary of The Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact
Eastern and Central European countries are deeply concerned over the recent military and political acts of aggression by Russia towards its European neighbors. The region is alarmed by the violations of territorial integrity of the sovereign states and the impudence of the information warfare conducted by Russia worldwide.
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Tusk and Applebaum caught red handed propping bias against president Andrzej Duda.
Adam Bielan has been exposing the current government’s efforts in discrediting Andrzej Duda in the eyes of public opinion in Europe. Among those caught up in this campaign are Donald Tusk, President of the European Council and Anne Applebaum, the influential international journalist and a wife of Radosław Sikorski.
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The key element of control is to divert public attention from important issues - says Pawel Kukiz.
Paweł Kukiz decided to warn the nation against techniques of a governmental manipulation. He mentions among others: talking down to people, distracting them, and appealing to their emotions rather than reason.
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Profound changes can be implemented only within the first few months - says Bronisław Wildstein
"Profound changes can be implemented only within the first few months of the post-election period. Later, the newly elected officials become preoccupied by the ever present and powerful bureaucracy and implementation of changes becomes more and more painful," wrote Bronisław Wildstein in his essay published by the weekly wSieci.
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What has Poland done about Jürgen Roth’s revelations?
It’s been a month since the first news about the book by a German journalist, Jürgen Roth, emerged. From the very beginning the Polish media attention focused on a German report, according to which, both Polish and Russian sources provided information to a BND (German intelligence agency) officer that the Smolensk crash was in fact an assassination with the use of explosives, carried out by the FSB (the Russian Federal Security Service) and allegedly ordered by a high official of the Polish government.
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Germany and Russia are not driven to empower Central Europe. They want to dominate Poland.
Who could forget Putin’s 2009 speech at Westerplatte in commemorating WWII?
In it, he emphasized that Europe must remember the victims and said: “Without fully understanding what had taken place we would never be able to build a safe world.” He added that, “German-Russian relations founded on a partnership and cooperation rather than historical quarrels are the key to healthy agreements.” What can we infer from Putin’s remarks back in 2009? read more
Russia’s imperial stance will not disappear with Putin.
utin has not made any public appearances in a week. A Russian paper called the Russkiy Monitor says that yesterday [March 11] they received an anonymous e-mail from an official of the Central Clinical Hospital of the Department of Presidential Affairs in Moscow. The e-mail’s author wrote that Putin had an ischemic stroke. Is Putin on his death bed?
read moreForgotten Genocide, Poland, Russia & III World War
Professor Ivanov is a Russian historian and authority on the fate of Polish minorities in the Soviet Union, and the author of the book Forgotten Genocide (Zapomniane Ludobójstwo). Prof. Ivanov was the first scholar to seriously examine the events of the Operation Polska [eng. Operation Poland], as a result of which the Soviet Union murdered about 200,000 Poles in 1937-1938.
read moreOpen Letter from Jaroslaw Kaczynski
The upcoming 2015 presidential and parliamentary elections will be decisive in what direction we want to take Poland. The stakes are clearly high, more so than in any other previous election.
read more100 Days of Embarrassment
100 days since the 2014 regional elections has come and gone. However the National Electoral Commission (NEC) still has not posted on its website the full results of the vote.
read morePutin Aims at NATO
Putin is not going to order his armoured division to attack the Baltic State until he is absolutely sure that NATO has disintegrated.
read moreJunker's Plan
In February 2015, the Polish government announced (1) that it was working on a project of recovery for Silesia and Małopolska following the aftermath of the ongoing restructuring of the mining industry. On April 22nd, 2015, such program is to be presented to representatives of the European Commission during the European Economic Congress in Katowice.
read more2014 Elections in Poland
This report focuses on the comparative analysis of the election results obtained by the Ipsos Research Center with the results announced by the NEC, with the hope that it will provide a better understanding and insights into the fraud that took place during the Regional Elections in Poland of November 16, 2014.
read moreWestern Appeasement
Western "Appeasement" and its Eastern European Victims: From World War One to World War Three. A lecture by Professor Andrzej Nowak at University of Toronto, St. Michael's College, October 6, 2014.
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