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Hate speech of the opposition toward the injured Prime Minister knows no limits!

Statements of the members of the opposition regarding an accident involving a government column in which Prime Minister Beaty Szydlo was injured violate all norms of political discourse - said Ryszard Terlecki, PiS MP.

Published: February 15, 2017


"Statements of the members of the opposition regarding an accident involving a government column in which Prime Minister Beata Szydlo was injured violate all norms of political discourse," said Ryszard Terlecki, PiS MP.

"If the opposition, instead of doing what it declares, that is getting a decent result in the next election, interferes in the investigation of a traffic incident involving Prime Minister Szydlo, such opposition is extremely frivolous and irresponsible," he said.

"Regardless of the absurdity of this situation, there are also more serious issues here, including an attempt to influence the course of the investigation. That is what we have seen since the incident, when two MPs from this (…) opposition - gentlemen Budka and Sowa - suggested that a person who is suspected of causing this traffic accident, who even admitted his guilt (…), they try to argue that it is not true, that there are some issues that have to be explained, that do not correspond to the truth," said Terlecki.

He added that the PiS parliamentary club sent to the parliamentary ethics committee a request for ethics review and punishment of MPs Boris Budka from PO and Marek Sowa from Nowoczesna (Modern Party). PiS accuses them of a "deliberate lie" and manipulation regarding the traffic incident involving the case of government limousines in which Prime Minister Szydlo was injured.

"Members should not behave like that. We wonder whether such actions meet the definition of a crime and should be reported to the prosecutor's office. Because the attempt to influence the persons involved in this incident qualifies as a crime," said Terlecki.

A spokeswoman for Law and Justice Beata Mazurek was asked when such a request for prosecution could be issued regarding the actions of the opposition MPs.

"We will analyze the statements of the politicians and if we conclude that it is necessary, we will submit such requests to the prosecutor's office, and then we will notify you," said Mazurek.

Terlecki stated that PO gives up activities aimed at reviewing proposals of Law and Justice, including the shadow cabinet. Instead, "members, or opposition leaders ride the trail of a road accident and that is what they do," said the head of PiS parliamentary club. He added that a man suspected of causing the traffic accident has a lawyer, and - as he pointed out - "it is a matter for a lawyer to handle this case and not for Mr. Schetyna or Mrs. Kopacz."

MP Mazurek stressed that the investigation in the case is conducted by the prosecution and the police.

"From what we know from the first information that reached us from the one and the other side (...), it is clear that in the first interrogation the driver confessed (to causing the accident), in the second – not," she said.

"We do not prejudge whether he is guilty or innocent, but we appeal to let the competent authorities handle this matter to explain the accident, not the politicians, because suddenly it turns out that all those who are involved in politics become experts on traffic accidents," said PiS spokeswoman.

The accident in Oswiecim, in which Prime Minister Beata Szydło was injured, occurred on February 10, 2017, in the evening. The next day, a spokesman for Malopolska Police Sebastian Gleń said that the the 21-year-old driver of Fiat Seicento was accused of causing the accident and that he admitted his guilt.

The same day, the driver of Fiat met with MPs Borys Budka (PO) and Marek Sowa (Modern). After the meeting they declared that they would provide him the "best legal protection in the collision of the citizen with the state." "It is a strange thing,” they said, “that within a few hours a judgment was passed on this young man."

Two days later, a spokesman for the Krakow regional prosecutor's office Vladimir Krzywicki reported that 21-year-old Sebastian K. who drove Fiat Seicento has the status of a suspect in the case of traffic accident involving Prime Minister Szydlo. The Spokesman added that the man admitted his guilt, and announced that he will be interrogated again. Subsequently, Prosecutor Krzywicki reported that the prosecutor's office has broadened the scope of charges against the driver who is suspected of manslaughter for causing an accident involving a governmental column. After the second interrogation of Sebastian K., the prosecutor's office announced that the suspect did not admit any guilt.

At a press conference Terlecki also said that "the opposition MPs seek to defend people who are accused of various things."

"Opposition MPs have already declared a desire to provide legal assistance to the demonstrators, now they announce a desire to help the participants in a traffic accident. Maybe the opposition MPs would provide legal aid for Mr. Kijowski, who badly needs such legal help (for embezzlement and other financial manipulations)," he added.

He commented that "the opposition, which presents itself as the total opposition, is in fact embarrassing."

"What they are doing is ridiculous, undermines the role and seriousness of the functioning of the political parties in the parliament," said Terlecki.

PiS politicians were also asked about the health of Prime Minister Szydlo who still remains in the hospital. "Her conditions seem to be very good, getting better and better," said Terlecki.

Chairman of PiS, Jaroslaw Kaczynski visited the Prime Minister in the hospital. "The conversation lasted about an hour and was related to her health and the future; it's good," said Mazurek.


Source: wpolityce.pl
Translation: CE
Photo: PAP/Bednarczyk